Quick Funny Quotes Twitter

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. – Elbert Hubbard



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Short Minded Quotes Pinterest

Never argue with small minded people that have positions of power

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Short Karma Quotes Tumblr

Life is a boomerang what you give you get.



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Short Mental Health Quotes

You do make a difference in this world. You really do. – Bliss



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Short Caption For Sister Twitter

I never try to make anyone my best friend because i already have one and she is my sister

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Small Line Quotes Facebook

Never let small minds convince you that your dreams are too big.


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Short Saying Quotes Twitter

You are loved
You are wonderfully made.
You are beautiful.
You have purpose.
You are a masterpiece.
God has a great plan for you.

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Short Short Quotes

Life is short, and it is up to you to make it sweet. – Sarah Louise Delany


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Small Home Quotes Twitter

One small cat changes coming home to an empty house to coming home. – Pam Brown


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Heartbreak Quotes Short Facebook

It hurts like hell. And then one day, it doesn’t.



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