Spectre Quotes Tumblr

The only time “success” comes before “work” is in the dictionary
(Harvey Specter-Suits)

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Most Quoted Movie Tumblr

I just wanna let them know that they didn’t break me.


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Watching Movie Quotes Facebook

I adore watching movies; movie marathons are my favorite pastime. I can watch up to five movies back to back. I also love music and like reading whenever I get the time. – Priyanka Chopra


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Erin Brockovich Quotes

Life is full of challenges. How you handle these challenges is what builds character.
Never be afraid to be who you are.
~Erln Brockovlch

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Mary And Max Quotes

the reason i forgive you is because you are not perfect.

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Warriors Movie Quotes

warriors, come out to play-ay!

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Billy Jack Quotes Twitter

i am going to take this side of my foot and put it across that side of your face, and there is nothing you can do about it. billy jack

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Lost Highway Quotes Pinterest

“some day we will find what we are looking for. or maybe not maybe we’ll find something much greater than that.”

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Kingdom Of Heaven Quotes Facebook

The ‘kingdom of Heaven’ is a condition of the heart – not something that comes ‘upon the earth’ or ‘after death.’

– Friedrich Nietzsche


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Easy Money Quotes Pinterest

There is no such thing as overnight success or easy money. If you fail, do not be discouraged; try again. When you do well, do not change your ways. Success is not just good luck: it is a combination of hard work, good credit standing, opportunity, readiness and timing. Success will not last if you do not take care of it. – Henry Sy


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