Dreamy Eyes Quotes Facebook

Everything that’s lovely is But a brief, dreamy kind of delight. – William Butler Yeats


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Love And Encouragement Quotes Facebook

I don’t need a perfect life. I just want to be happy, surrounded by good people who love me for who I am.



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Nature Is Beauty Quotes Pinterest

Think of all the beauty still left around you and happy.
-Anne Frank

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Happy Birthday Dad In Heaven From Daughter Facebook

A piece of my heart
lives in heaven and he’s my DAd!
…Until we meet again!

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Funny Things To Say On Graduation Card Facebook

you did it! you graduated! now you are like smart and stuff.

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But Poetry Beauty Romance Love Facebook

“there was another life that i might have had, but i am having this one.” – kazuo lshiguro

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I Lost Someone Special Quotes Tumblr

Losing some who is still breathing is a different type of goodbye

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Happy Deepavali Greetings Twitter

Let each diya you light bring a glow of happiness on your face and enlighten your soul.
Happy diwali!

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Southern Food Quotes

southern cookin’ warms the heart and soothes the soul!

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Thursday Quotes Good Morning

Good Morning, Be in love with every minute of your life! Happy Thursday!


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